Donald Trump Lawyer says efforts to overturn 2020 election were 'aspirational' - USA Trending Blog

Donald Trump Lawyer says efforts to overturn 2020 election were 'aspirational' - USA Trending Blog


Donald Trump Lawyer says efforts to overturn 2020 election were 'aspirational' - USA Trending Blog 

"John Lauro, one of Donald Trump’s attorneys in the federal case over his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, vehemently defended the former president against allegations Trump knowingly spread false claims of election fraud to remain in power and claimed Trump's efforts were merely "aspirational," not criminal.

The defense is quite simple,” Lauro said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “President Trump believed in his heart of hearts that he had won that election.”

Trump’s defense team has argued the free speech protections in the First Amendment shield Trump from the charges outlined in the indictment, which accuse him of a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election and obstruct the certification of electors.

He had every right to speak about the important issues that were taking place after the election,” Lauro said.

"Lauro took aim at Trump’s pressure campaign on election officials and Vice President Mike Pence to interfere in the election, a key strategy behind what prosecutors allege is Trump’s conspiracy. Lauro said Trump’s requests were just “aspirational.”

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