Disney derides Florida Gov. Ron De Saintis' attempt to leave lawsuit - USA Trending Blog

Disney derides Florida Gov. Ron De Saintis' attempt to leave lawsuit - USA Trending Blog

Disney derides Florida Gov. Ron De Saintis' attempt to leave lawsuit - USA Trending Blog

Disney rejected Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' recent request for immunity from their legal feud Wednesday, with the media conglomerate criticizing the governor and presidential candidate for evading "responsibility for his actions."

It's the latest salvo in a legal battle that's been ongoing since April when the theme park giant filed a suit against the governor in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida. The broader battle began the year before, when Disney spoke out against the Parental Rights in Education Act, dubbed "Don't Say Gay" by critics, which restricts instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in schools.

"The Governor seeks to evade responsibility for his actions on a narrower ground, asserting that a governor cannot be held officially liable for implementing, administering, and enforcing state laws that punish residents for political statements violating a state-prescribed speech code," company attorneys wrote in a legal filing Wednesday.

DeSantis and his GOP legislative allies responded with actions Disney says were retaliatory and a violation of its free speech rights, such as the governor's takeover of the company's special taxing district, previously called the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

Since the renaming of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, the ramifications of that takeover are still far from settled, even outside the courts.

On Wednesday, the district's new, governor-appointed board, encumbered with litigation costs due to the Disney dispute and other start-up expenses, said it's eyeing cutting $8 million used to pay off-duty law enforcement officers who exclusively patrol Disney properties. Chairman Martin Garcia called it "wasteful spending."

The board, along with acting Secretary of the Department of Economic Opportunity Meredith Ivey, is also named in the suit. It's filed a suit of its own against Disney in state court.

Yearlong dispute fueled by Disney lawsuit

Since the introduction of the "Don't Say Gay" bill last year, the legislation drew national controversy and more than 150 major companies signed a Human Rights Campaign letter "vocally opposing" the anti-LGBTQ legislation.

The Walt Disney Company followed suit and publicly opposed the law after its employees staged walkouts. The entertainment goliath's former chief executive Bob Chapek said the company was pausing political contributions in Florida and was working to overturn the law.