Chasing Trump: How Ron DeSaintis is rebooting his campaign in N.H. - USA Trending Blog

Chasing Trump: How Ron DeSaintis is rebooting his campaign in N.H. - USA Trending Blog

Chasing Trump: How Ron DeSaintis is rebooting his campaign in N.H. - USA Trending Blog

RYE, N.H.−Meeting and greeting voters at a barbecue in a rural hamlet, Ron DeSantis deployed his rebooted campaign Sunday by making familiar arguments about why he should be president - and throwing in a few jokes, as when he thanked New Hampshire-based police officers for providing security.

"If we recruit you to Florida, you get a $500 signing bonus right off the top," DeSantis said as voters encouragingly chuckled. "We're always looking for good people."

As with a recent trip to Iowa, DeSantis used his New Hampshire trip to display an altered campaign style that includes a little more personality, a little less wonkery, more back-slapping and more running as a determined underdog to the front-running Donald Trump.

Beset by falling polls and defecting donors, DeSantis' campaign reset also includes a smaller staff. He is also taking more questions from reporters and granting more television interviews.

Other Republicans, in New Hampshire and elsewhere, said DeSantis will need all the help he can get.

Trump appears to be growing his lead, despite two indictments and counting, while DeSantis is losing ground and seems to have trouble connecting with people.

"Every day, it's harder for me to see how he turns this around," said Fergus Cullen, a former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party.